
 Dear colleagues and students!

We are happy to invite you to the website of the Faculty of Law and International Relations of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University! Our faculty provides education and training in International Relations, Public Communications and Country Studies (Regional Studies) and Law. Studying at our faculty is characterized by involvement of foreign professors and representatives of diplomatic missions into the educational process, in-depth study of foreign languages, teaching separate modules in foreign languages and experience in negotiating, solving various problems in the field of international relations.
We are kindly inviting you to collaborate!

Faithfully yours,
Mykola Kulinich
Dean of the Faculty of Law and International Relations


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13-B Levka Lukianenka Str,

Kyiv, 04207,  Ukraine 

Room 607

Site: fpmv.kubg.edu.ua   

e-mail: fpmv@kubg.edu.ua

Tel.: 044-366-56-11





The training of students at the faculty is carried out in two specialties - "Law" and "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" within the educational levels - "Bachelor" and "Master". Since 2018, the "International Law" specialty has been opened as part of the "Bachelor" educational level.







The Student Governance of the Faculty is active.
The highest executive and representative body of the student governance of the Faculty of Law and International Relations is the Council of Students which includes students of different majors, programmes and academic groups.
The objective of the activities of the Faculty Student Government is to promote a harmonious development of student personalities, the formation of their future skills as organizers/administrators.
The activity of the Student Government focuses mainly on:
• protection of the interests of students at all levels of higher education;
• implementation of student initiatives into the educational process, as well as into scientific,
professional, cultural and other social fields of activity;
• quality improvement of interaction between students and the University administration;
• ensuring student rights and freedoms according to the civic rules that are in force in the society;
• organizational issues of everyday life, different forms of entertainment, travel, student employment;
• creation of appropriate conditions for living and leisure of students;
• promoting activities of student groups, companies, associations, clubs for interests;
• cooperation with students of other higher educational institutions and youth organizations, etc.;
• formation of a new information space for the students of the university and their connection with the global information sources.




The faculty students’ rate allows part taking in the international academic mobility programs in the universities of Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Japan at the base of relevant inter-institutional agreements on cooperation.
As well the faculty scholars’ media activity is aimed at transmitting worldwide the existential essence of the threat of Russian aggression against Ukraine for the international peace and security.
Moreover, the students popularize the principles of academic integrity and legal literacy through the implementation of projects "Academic integrity: destroyers of legends", "School of academic integrity", "Lawyer online" and others.
We also facilitate the students’ cooperation with public organizations "Center for International Security", "European Institute", "Pan Europe Ukraine", "League of Students of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine" and analytical centers "ADASTRA", "OsvitAnalytika" and other influential civil society stakeholders in Ukraine and abroad.  



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